KettleWorx Works
What takes 90 minutes at the gym—30 minutes on a treadmill (cardio), 30 minutes on weight machines (resistance) and 30 minutes on abs (core)—Kettleworx gives you in just 20 minutes 3 times a week.
A Full Body Workout
Using the KettleBell as the tool, KettleWorx delivers the 3 most important components of a fitness program all at once:

With every exercise you're moving your body in 3-dimensions, turning it into a fitness machine. And because you get all 3 components at once, it only takes 1/3rd the time of other workout programs. The old way of working out involves driving to a busy gym, spending thirty minutes on weight machines, spending another thirty minutes on a cardio machine, and then finding another thirty minutes to work your abs. You don't have to do that anymore!
Simply Pick 3 Days of the Week that are Your KettleWorx Days

That's All it Takes for Amazing, Immediate Results!
KettleWorx results in a remarkable body transformation in only 20 minutes, 3 times a week. And it's guaranteed to make changes to your body in six short weeks or or your money back.
An America Council on Exercise study called the calorie burn of kettlebells
"off the charts."
"Kettlebells provide a much higher-intensity workout than standard weight-training routines and offer superior results in a short amount of time."
–ACE Study Results
"A person can easily burn several hundred calories in a brief period of time using these iron orbs, which makes them appealing to those looking for time-efficient results."
–ACE's Chief Science Officer
Cedric X. Bryant, Ph.D.