Archive for February, 2009

KettleWorx KettleBell Program on KNSD San Diego

Friday, February 20th, 2009

After a 5+ hour drive through the desert from Phoenix to Southern California, we found ourselves in San Diego for our next appearance on what is now being called the “I Love My KettleBell” national media tour. What a place….beautiful town, beach, weather…San Diego has it all.

KNSD had us on very early Friday morning…5:45am. It was 45 degrees and we were out on the patio…a brisk but great KettleWorx KettleBell session:

Thanks to the whole KNSD team!

The ILMKB Tour continues…now on to Detroit, Portland and Seattle!!

KettleWorx KettleBell Program on KTVK Arizona

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

We had a great time in Phoenix this week…the folks at KTVK Arizona were nice enough to have us on Thursday morning, which gave us a short but fantastic break from winter….75 degrees!!

Had a bit of a delay when we got in….Obama was in town and his motorcade made us wait quite awhile for a rental car…

But we finally got settled and the live appearance with Tara Hitchcock went great…

Thanks to everyone in Arizona for you interest in KettleWorx and our Kettlebell DVD Program. Good luck Tara on your 6-Week Transformation!

On our way to San Diego for the next appearance….check out the size of this cactus!

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